I’ve never been much of a believer in New Year’s resolutions. They always seem to be these grand gestures and wishes of accomplishing the unreasonable or unattainable. I have, however, always taken the first few days of January to reflect on the past and envision a future that continues to align with my purpose - in my personal and professional life.

The past year didn’t start the way I expected. But sometimes, it’s the unexpected that makes us explore our capabilities. After 27 years dedicated to advancing orthopedic patient care, I found myself with time on my hands! What a glorious thing - time!
It enabled me to focus on the parts of me that I had diminished for way too long… I read tons of novels and business books, caught up on some amazing podcasts, picked up my forgotten hobby of stained glass, took swimming lessons, went on lots of mini and extended vacations, embarked on home improvement projects, connected with friends, educated myself of interesting topics, gardened, and enjoyed a summer long stay-cation with our three boys (men) for the first time since they were born! The only thing that 2024 brought that I thoroughly despise – weeding!!! Why is my garden always covered in weeds!?!?
As I look forward to 2025, my values, my passions, and my purpose is more clear than ever…
Values define what is important to you - what are your non-negotiables.
Passion is the intense drive that fuels you to learn about activities aligned to your values.
Purpose is how your values and your passions connect together – your life’s mission statement.
It’s important to have all three. A career cannot thrive if any of these is ignored for too long. My purpose of “leaving things better than the way I found them” continues to drive me in all aspects of my life.
What is your life’s mission statement?
As you reflect on the past year and dream about your future, keep your values, passion, and purpose at the forefront. It will lead you down a rewarding and exciting path. If you want 2025 to be hyper-focused on your values, passion, and purpose, message me. Let’s talk!